$50,000 – Dream Package
Listed as “Dream” sponsor in all materials for the entire event, signs, and banners at golf events, includes up to three golf team entries (12 golfers) for FTD open including lunch and invitation for 20 guests to post event reception, sponsor references in all press releases and promotional materials, three digital tee sponsorships and custom event recognition signage.
$25,000 – Lunch or Registration Sponsor
Listed as “Lunch” sponsor and “Registration” sponsor in all materials, signs, and banners at the entire event. Includes up to two golf team entries (eight golfers) for FTD open including lunch and 20 guests for post event reception, sponsor references in all press releases and promotional materials, and two digital tee sponsorships with custom event recognition signage.
$20,000 – Cart Sponsor
Listed as a cart sponsor in all materials, signs, and banners at the entire event, including an exclusive sponsorship sign at a hole on the course. Includes up to one golf team entry (four golfers) for FTD open including lunch and invitation for 8 guests to post event reception, sponsor references in all press releases and promotional materials, and one digital tee sponsorship with custom event recognition signage.
$10,000 – Hole Sponsor
Listed as a Hole sponsor in all materials, signs, and banners at the entire event, including exclusive sponsorship sign at a hole on the course. Includes up to one golf team entry (four golfers) for FTD open including lunch and post event reception, sponsor references in all press releases and promotional materials, and one digital tee sponsorship with custom event recognition signage.
$2,500 — Reception Sponsor
Includes sponsorship recognition at post event reception, one table, and 8 tickets to reception.

Team Options
$5,000 – Premium Team Sponsor
Foursome at FTD Open which includes lunch and post event reception, Team/Company Name & Logo listed in the program, and on-screen at reception as a sponsor.
$1,800 — Foursome
Four Golf Tickets to the open, includes lunch, and reception
$150 – Reception Ticket
Includes one ticket to reception.